An External Evaluation of the ICTPH Guide Program in Karambayam

By Rosemary Stafford, External Evaluator I arrived in India in the early morning hours of July 5, 2011, with one task at hand: to evaluate the ICTPH Guide program. I had 4 months to do this job, and I had ...

Karambayam Guide Program – The previous year and the year ahead the Logic Model Approach

By Rosemary Stafford The Sugha Vazhvu Guide program, initiated in August 2010, is a critical component of ICTPH’s Rural Micro Health Centre (RMHC) approach to primary care delivery. Given its mission to build a primary healthcare system throughout remote and ...

The launch of mobile phone-based rapid risk-profiling of our populations

By Mayank Kedia, Research Associate (Technology Solutions) – ICTPH, and A.R. Selva Swetha, Research Analyst – ICTPH With the Health Systems approach we are aiming to take, which comprises preventive screening, curative, and community and clinic-based intervention components, we at ...

Orientation and PISP Training for Health Extension Workers

By Sangeetha Lakshmanan – Research Analyst, ICTPH The ICTPH Guide represents a critical role within the health systems team of the Rural Micro Health Centre (RMHC). Responsible for the health of approximately 200 households in her locality, the Guide is ...

Adapting Guides Weekly Training towards Community Health Needs

By Sangeetha Lakshmanan, Research Analyst – ICTPH Thursday mornings are of special significance for the Guides and Nurses at our Rural Micro Health Centre (RMHC). It is the time of the week when the Guides eagerly look forward to participating ...

Life of a SughaVazhvu Guide

By Sabyasachi Das, Research Associate – ICTPH The above video gives a snap-shot of how a Population Based Individual Screening Protocol (PISP) is conducted in the field by the SughaVazhu Guides (SVGs), and also throws some light on the life ...

Selection tool for Health Extension Workers in rural India

By Sangeetha Lakshmanan, Research Analyst – ICTPH Several countries have expanded their health systems by adopting the Community Health Worker approach to providing Primary Health Care. While both low and middle income countries have recruited health workers, there is limited ...

SughaVazhvu Guides: Concept, Selection tools and Selection

By Sangeetha Lakshmanan, Research Analyst – ICTPH and Rufin Jenila, Research Assistant – ICTPH When we opened our first Rural Micro Health Centre (RMHC) in Alakkudi, we selected women Community Health Workers (“Nala Oli”s – Light of health) based on their ...

Training lay-workers to be professional enumerators: Field experiences (ctnd.)

By Laura Costica, Research Associate, ICTPH and Sangeetha Lakshmanan, Research Analyst, ICTPH The second week of the survey form training saw the SughaVazhvu Guides (SVGs) apply their learnings from the previous week’s mock sessions, as they made household visits in ...

Training lay-workers to be professional enumerators

By Laura Costica, Research Associate, ICTPH These are exciting times as ICTPH and its implementation partner, SughaVazhvu Ltd., are gearing up for the launch of their second Rural Micro Health Centre in Tanjore district. Plans are ambitious: 5 villages and ...

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